Friday, October 26, 2012


This is that green horse energy I was talking about.
          Today was the first ride for Malachi and I of this week. It was a pretty decent ride, we worked on a couple of new things, finally moving up into the stages of some first level dressage movements, like leg-yielding from the trot, and we worked on some transitional departs. Aside from all of that I couldn't help but get caught in a reverie of our first days together compared to now, because I'll tell you, those first days a little more than a year ago were quite a nightmare. Those first days (or months) of us together weren't the pleasant afternoon rides that we have today.

          But anyway, today's ride went pretty well. I'm excited for his tremendous growth, and only those daydreams can give me hints about what his marvelous structure and natural dressage foundation will bring. His lateral work is very thorough and solid aside from some confusion with bending and lack of strength on my part, but today he showed minimal improvements considering the fact that I haven't ridden him technically in a week. I did have to free lunge him in the roundpen to keep from any sudden surges of green-horse energy, but after he ran off some steam, and got a good rub he was content and ready to work. I'm glad to finally wake up and ride him again. A week is way too long to stay away from my baby.

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