Sunday, March 3, 2013


     I'm still here!

     Sorry, I've seriously been very busy with school work and terrible with remembering to take pictures and document the rides I have had. Life has been sort of chaotic in the sense of how time is passing so quickly, but I promise to get all of my updates in before this year is over!

     So I've been learning every ride, as usual. Malachi and I have soared to even greater heights in these past couple of months. Not has really happened besides minimal breakthroughs in rides, no shows because we haven't renewed our coggins yet... But as soon as those get going we'll be sure to start up some cross country schooling and perhaps a dressage show or two this spring. I want to get into the NFDA (North Florida Dressage Association) so we can qualify for horse of the year and the championship banquet. I don't want to get into this for winning or getting anything other than my scores. I want him to have a fun show career, and If I do this I could be eligible for a scholarship.

     I think that Malachi would do well at these big shows especially since he loves to show, and he gets oodles of attention.

     I'm also helping my trainer relocate. She was forced out of her house that was on school property because the principal decided that they waned to buy that property and kick her out. They shut off her lights last minute, and are taking some serious risks in moving to the barn. We are doing some wicked makeshift shifts in routine.

     As training Malachi goes, he started up some of his older habits, like bulging out the left shoulder to catch the wrong lead again. He'll get it almost automatically over a jump, but not on the ground, he almost does it out of defiance. He's getting a lot better with jumping, however he's decided officially that it is his favorite thing to do next to barebacking. He got an Irish clip. He did a flying lead change. He went on a ride in the neighborhood. So besides the bad lead and good jumping work, we're the same as always.

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